Meet the Author

Kitty Rose (they/them)

Kitty Rose is a dark romance author who writes characters that go through real life struggles in addition to the spicy goodness and dark romance themes. A large part of the stories are healing for them as they process their own trauma through the lives of the characters on the page.

Their dream ever since being a young child was to be an author, and every day they get to live this dream is surreal. Every single page read, every book purchased, every share of their books, every single one means more to Kitty than words can describe.

When not writing, they’re reading. Or spending time with their hubby and two cats. They also enjoy a good comedy, WWE match, or horror flick to pass the time. Both Kitty and their husband are obsessed with Halloween and if they could make every holiday Halloween instead, they absolutely would.

Kitty can be found on Instagram, Facebook, & TikTok. However, social media is often quite overwhelming so they are active as their spoons allow.

Note from Kitty: As someone who struggles with their mental health, I understand what it’s like to navigate life like this and it will always be more important to me that anyone picking up one of my stories protects their own peace and mental well-being over reading the story. While the stories are healing, they are also real and painful at times. Please check the content warnings and author’s note for my stories.