All My Broken Pieces

FindingLight Book 2


Sinful desires.
The need to be the perfect child.
A war between what she knows in her soul and what years of conditioning have led her to believe.

Can Fallon break past the pressures to live what her family believes to be a “righteous path” so she can be with the woman she loves? Or will she succumb to the wants of others, and sacrifice her own happiness in the process?

All My Broken Pieces is a dark sapphic romance that follows the story of two unlikely companions trying to find their love amidst a world that views it as inherently sinful. This book contains dark romance themes, including violence and sexual content, as well as a look into religion and the pain of accepting yourself, even if that means losing everything.

Please check the content warnings before proceeding. While the story does end in a HEA, it is a very hard road to get there.

Content Warnings

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My Little Girl (FindingLight Book 1)