My Little Girl Content Warnings

  • Murder

  • Death

  • Abortion (graphic depiction of medically-induced abortion aftermath and an insensitive reaction from the main male character to the discovery of the abortion)

  • Medical trauma

  • Verbal abuse

  • Mental health topics (including suicide attempt (on page), suicidal thoughts, depression, & borderline personality disorder)

  • Weight shaming

  • Body dysmorphia

  • Asphyxiation (note: one scene depicts an extreme level of sexual asphyxiation where one of the main characters stops breathing and loses consciousness and the other main character does not stop until after climaxing prior to performing CPR to resuscitate the unconscious character)

  • Praise

  • Choking

  • Anal

  • Anal punishment (note: One scene depicts an intense emotional scene of anal punishment between the two main characters that results in orgasming for both of them but very much against one character’s will)

  • Non/dub-con between main characters

  • Daddy/little girl (no age play)


Inked Souls Duet Content Warnings


Bleed for Me Content Warnings